Football statistical trends
Won CR Belouizdad have won their last 5 games in Ligue 1 Lost JS Kabylie have been defeated in their last 4 matches against CR Belouizdad in Ligue 1 Unbeaten JS Kabylie have a good record of 8 undefeated games of their last 9 encounters in Ligue 1 Undefeated at HT No defeats at half time can be found in CR Belouizdad's 15 most recent games in Ligue 1 Clean sheets CR Belouizdad are on a good streak of 3 Ligue 1 matches where they have managed to keep a clean sheet JS Kabylie have managed to win just 3 of their 24 most recent away encounters with CR Belouizdad (Ligue 1) In their 18 most recent home matches of Ligue 1, CR Belouizdad have been undefeated 15 times Unbeaten There are no losses for JS Kabylie in 9 of their most recent 11 away games (Ligue 1) Draws at HT JS Kabylie have drawn at half time their last 6 matches against CR Belouizdad in Ligue 1 View all Undefeated MC Alger are unbeaten in all of their last 6 away matches in Ligue 1 Undefeated In their last 6 consecutive home matches of Ligue 1, there have been no losses for USM Alger Undefeated at HT MC Alger are unbeaten at half time in their last 13 Ligue 1 games Clean sheets USM Alger have kept a clean sheet in their last 4 home matches in Ligue 1 MC Alger are undefeated in 37 of their last 40 league games Winless USM Alger have managed to win just 2 of their 13 most recent encounters with MC Alger (Ligue 1) Unbeaten USM Alger have no losses in 12 of their 13 most recent home encounters with MC Alger (Ligue 1) Unbeaten USM Alger haven't lost in 12 of their last 13 games in Ligue 1 Draws at HT MC Alger have been drawing at half time their last 7 Ligue 1 matches View all Undefeated CS Constantine haven't lost any of their last 7 home matches in Ligue 1 Undefeated at HT CS Constantine have not suffered any defeats at HT in their 14 most recent consecutive home matches in Ligue 1 Lost at HT CS Constantine have lost at HT their 3 most recent clashes with MC El Bayadh in Ligue 1 CS Constantine are unbeaten in 22 of their 26 most recent matches (Ligue 1) MC El Bayadh have won just 3 of their last 20 away matches in Ligue 1 CS Constantine are unbeaten in 18 of their last 19 home matches in Ligue 1
Top trends Ligue 1CR Belouizdad Unbeaten 15 of 18 In their 18 most recent home matches of Ligue 1, CR Belouizdad have been undefeated 15 times CS Constantine Undefeated 7 CS Constantine haven't lost any of their last 7 home matches in Ligue 1 CR Belouizdad Won 5 CR Belouizdad have won their last 5 games in Ligue 1 CR Belouizdad Clean sheets 3 CR Belouizdad are on a good streak of 3 Ligue 1 matches where they have managed to keep a clean sheet